Irish gay pride art

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In making the award, Winter Pride said they believe that emotive speeches of the kind given by Rory help to make a positive change in bigoted attitudes towards members of the LGBT community. RTE later issued an apology for Rory’s comments and paid out over 80,000 Euros in damages to members of the Iona Institute Catholic Lobbying group.

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Rory delivered his memorable speech after the Irish Broadcaster RTE redacted comments made by Rory on the Saturday Night Show on January 11, in a debate defining homophobia in modern Ireland.

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WINTER PRIDE was moved and inspired by Panti’s ‘Noble Call’ speech at the Abbey Theatre in Dublin following a performance of James Plunkett’s 1913 Lockout drama, The Risen People. Gay activist, Rory O’Neill aka drag queen Panti was presented with a Humanitarian Award as part of the Smirnoff Winter Pride Art Awards on Saturday evening.

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