Enola gay movie 1952

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On February 25, 1937, he enlisted as a flying cadet in the Army Air Corps at Fort Thomas, Kentucky. He attended the University of Florida in Gainesville and was an initiated member of the Epsilon Zeta Chapter of Sigma Nu Fraternity in 1934. Sometime later, the family moved to Florida. The 1930 Census indicates his family had moved and was living in Des Moines, Iowa at the time. The family was listed there in the 1920 U.S. Although born in Illinois, Tibbets was raised in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where his father was a confections wholesaler. Tibbets was born in Quincy, Illinois, and was the son of Paul Warfield Tibbets and Enola Gay Tibbets (nee Haggard). (FebruNovember 1, 2007) was a brigadier general in the United States Air Force, best known for being the pilot of the first aircraft to drop an atomic bomb.

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